• Swimming Pool area
  • Giardino esclusivo
  • Appartamento Fronte Mare Mazzarò Mare Taormina Sicilia
  • Perla Isola Bella
  • Terrazzo antistante la porta d'ingresso con dondolo a 2 piazze

Beaches of Taormina Sicily

Maps: Beaches
Click on any of the beaches for more information

​All beaches of Taormina: photos, descriptions & reviews of each beach in Taormina

Here you will find the perfect beaches among the ones in Taormina. GoTaormina shows you which beach is suitable for whom.

We will provide you with all the important facts about the beaches in Taormina and the surrounding villages Letojanni and Giardini Naxos. We inform you about prices, characteristics, equipment and accessibility of the different beach sections.

Whether you spend your Sicily holidays in Taormina, Letojanni or Giardini Naxos, you will have a lot of fun.

If you would like to know what you might be expecting during your stay in Taormina Sicily, just throw a glance at our new photo gallery.

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